Please install Metamask or other Web3 Provider to access advanced capabilities with the uCollateral contract.

Please login to Metamask or other Web3 Provider to access advanced capabilities with the uCollateral contract.

Quick Directions

The 5 Step Process

Step 1

Login to Metamask and have UCASH in your wallet

Step 2

Go to the page for the term period you wish to deposit UCASH for

Step 3

Approve UCASH to be controlled by the uCollateral contract

Step 4

Deposit UCASH to the uCollateral contract

Step 5

Wait for the period to end and reclaim

Bounties & Penalties

What do I gain? What can I lose?


On the term page, use the calculator to find out bounty payouts

Reclaim Too Early?

There will be a dynamically decreasing penalty charged

Reclaim Too Late?

There will be a dynamically increasing penalty charged


UCASH penalties are added to the bounty pool for other users


Choose a collateral term period you wish to deposit UCASH for